Sunday, October 24, 2010

An update...

I have received a number of emails looking for an update on Alexander, so here it is...

As far as Alex's lower GI tract - he had a very good week.  It wasn't ideal, but it was definitely acceptable and seemed to be headed in the right direction.  Yesterday and today began to look questionable, so we will see what this week brings.  Hopefully, it's just a little dip in the healing process, and things will look up again this week.

Alex is walking a very fine line between needing to go back on meds for his upper GI tract.  His reflux has definitely been worse these past 2 weeks.  It has been flairing up daily.  The "fine line" comes in because sometimes it is painful for him, and other times it is painless.  The one area of most concern at the moment is the reflux in his sleep.  I think it's actually safer for him if it is painful while he is sleeping.  "Why?" you ask. Because he wakes up and sits up. Whereas when he vomits in his sleep and it's painless, he is more likely to aspirate because he doesn't wake. 

Prevacid is the med that controls the burning.  Reglan is the med that controls the tone of his stomach and prevents the reflux from occuring.  Reglan is also a very dangerous medication and one we are trying desperately to avoid. 

We don't really care for any of these med options, so we're choosing option 3 - Alex quickly grows out of this and it is no longer an issue!

In spite of his troubles, Alexander is doing really well.  He has been happy, chatty and mischievous - as you'd expect any 19 month old to be.  He is continuing to gain weight nicely and is looking healthy.  He even has a little bit of fat on his belly you can pinch now! 

Combine Alex's love of the outdoors with his love of the color orange, and you can imagine how much fun he is having this fall!  We're excited to make some visits this Halloween weekend and I'll be making a special treat for Alex to enjoy.

Thank you all so much for your continued love, support, and prayers.  They are truly appreciated!

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