Thursday, September 29, 2011

Dental Check-Up

More good news! (Let's just keep it coming!) Alexander went for his 6 month dental checkup and first cleaning.  He received an EXCELLENT report and was SUCH a good patient!  It looks like the protective measures we've been taking with his teeth are working.  At his last visit, his teeth looked great overall, but the reflux damage was evident.  The doctor wanted us to switch to a flouride toothpaste and watch his teeth closely for decay.  The damage hasn't progressed and everything looked Great!  She was very pleased and Alexander is VERY proud of himself!!  :)

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Some Good News

We saw Alexander's GI doctor today.  Mid-August to mid-September Alex's GI system has been doing really well.  His reflux has been well controlled, and his lower GI system has been behaving.  In August, Alex seemed to (rather suddenly) develop the ability to swallow thin liquids.  It was a pretty dramatic change and he's been doing super.  He still chokes ocassionally, but nothing like he was before. 

His upper and lower system began to flare once again last Thursday.  It has slowly been getting worse, but we are all thinking that it's related to the cold he developed at the same time.  GERD can be aggravated by any little infection in the body and also inadequate sleep.  (Alex started school last week and is having some trouble adapting his nap schedule).  He needs to have a month of good sleep and health before we'll be concerned about the flare (barring anything extreme, of course).

We need to add a TUMS to his daily routine because of the long term side effects of his meds - they affect the absorption of calcium.  There are no plans to reduce his meds at this time. 

So....we aren't scheduled to go back for 6 months!!!  I can't tell you how excited I was about that!  It has been such a long road for us, and to hear that he's stable enough to wait 6 months is fantastic news!