Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Love our Pediatrician!!

So we saw the pediatrician this morning.  First he addressed the current reflux issue.  Because the reflux is not presently causing Alexander pain, we are going to keep him off meds.  We will continue to keep an eye on it, and if any pain occurs or blood returns, he'll have to go back on meds.  Our doctor continued to reassure me that they would be able to get approval for Prevacid if Alex needed to be back on something. 

Then we turned our attention to the issue with the specialist.  He was sadly not surprised to hear about my issue, as they have had many similar issues.  I was shocked to hear that none of Alex's previous test results were sent to his pediatrician.  They had requested them (the doctor had personally called for results) and never received any word.  He encouraged me (three times) to seek another opinion; to have fresh eyes look at Alex's history.  He suggested going to Boston.  Our pediatrician will actually be out in Boston this weekend, and said he would talk to the doctors out there and see who they use.  He had some names that he had referred to in the past, but wanted to make sure they were still practicing out there. 

He will also be calling the specialist either tomorrow or next week to personally clear up Alex's history and decide on a course of treatment.  He was baffled as to why the specialist wouldn't order a simple blood test.  So, as a mom, I felt very supported after our visit and it was comforting to be validated in the midst of all of this.  As a bonus, Alex was finally able to get his 18 month shots and flu vaccine.  He was also able to stop at his child care provider's for a playdate after the appointment.  He's sleeping comfortably at the moment, and hopefully he'll continue to feel well.

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