Alexander has been taking the fiber supplement for about a month. It has been mixed results. People had warned us that things may get worse before they get better - and that certainly did happen. The first 2 weeks were definitely rough. He endured a lot of stomach pains, vomitting, diarrhea and constipation.
The last two weeks things have settled down a little bit. Even though he is still having a lot of constipation, diarrhea, and a fair amount of discomfort, the episodes are much shorter.
Unfortunately, the fiber is really aggravating his reflux. He is vomiting from time to time again, and has a bad reflux episode with every BM. His sleep has been a bit more disturbed again, too.
So...another month to go. Even though things aren't ideal, we would say that he is definitely healthier overall than he was. We are interested to hear the doctor's interpretation of the changes.
The BM log is invaluable, and I highly recommend it to any parent who is in a similar situation. I have gotten more detailed with commentary on his behavior and overall functioning. It reinforces my statements about the correlation between his GI health and quality of life.